Burn injuries continue to be one of the leading causes of unintentional death and injury in the United States.
Causes of burn injuries:
- Fires
- Electrical accidents and defective electrical appliances
- Smoking
- Cooking accidents
- Malfunctioning or misused heating equipment, smoke detectors, fire extinguishers or other safety devices
- Motor vehicle accidents
- Explosions
- Accidents at the construction site
Your burn injury may have involved lengthy treatment, pain, scarring and emotional trauma. You may have sustained medical expenses, lost income, a reduction in your earning capacity, rehabilitation expenses as well as pain and suffering.
With the probability of large medical bills pending, you will need someone to help you to locate and coordinate various sources for the payment of the bills, to help you to minimize insurance liens and to obtain the maximum recovery for you and your family.
Injured? Get action!
If you’ve been injured in a burn accident in Minnesota, Iowa or South Dakota, contact us to get started on resolving your burn case. Remember, consultations with prospective clients on burn injuries are free of charge.